and Location New Service Time
Sunday's at 10:30
114 E Main Street, Alliance

SOZO Church leadership team has been actively pursing a new space for us to gather in. A space that is large enough to accommodate our quickly growing community, but also a space that has years of potential to continue to grow into and make a difference in our city. As we carry our mission to see the name of Jesus made to known to every person in Alliance, while championing the message of "Forget Religion, Find God" the old church on Main St. was revealed to be the place God had been preparing for us.
The Main Street location is larger than the space we currently use at FBC. With an expanded worship hall, as well as dedicated classrooms for our SOZO Kids, we are taking the step of faith to go from a Saturday night only church to one that will have dedicated spaces to serve our city every day of the week.
This next step in our journey will allow us to expand our children's ministry, outreach into the city, and our own SOZO addiction recovery ministry. Our team is excited to see what God will do as we continue to grow and make His Name Known!
As we move into a new space that is our own, we desired to find intentional service times that meet the schedules of the SOZO family and our surrounding community. After much prayer and discussion, we have made the decision to move to Sunday morning services beginning at 10:30am. This will help us best serve our teams, our community, and come alongside the cultural rhythms of our area; providing the best service time to allow many more people to come experience what it means to be loved by Jesus
Locations and service changes are changing, yet our commitment to building a church for all people remains the same. Change can be hard, but we are a community committed to sacrificial love for our family members and those who are searching for a church community to belong to. We want to be a church that meets our community where they are to provide services and environments that meet people's schedules so that we can experience belonging, feel love, valued, and discover relationship with Jesus.
Where do I park?